Clutter-free kitchen is best when selling
The kitchen is the heart of our homes, yet as busy as everyone is, we don’t want to spend a lot of wasted time working in there.
Buyers shopping for homes—online or in person—will appreciate a kitchen that looks clean and effortless. That means having clutter-free countertops and orderly cupboards.
Here are a few tips of the many I give my home-seller clients:
- Clear countertops of everything you don’t use regularly. That includes mixers (keeping it out won’t make you look like The Pioneer Woman), toasters (I know, you use it everyday, but it’s crumby) and the ugly spoon rest on the stove.
- Take down any leafy foliage from the tops of your upper cabinets. People only imagine dust and funk being collected up there. Keep the space above looking clean and simple.
- Do not line up anything along the backsplash. Instead group in a small, odd-numbered cluster.
- Nothing gets stuck to the refrigerator unless it’s my To-Do notepad, and even then, put it away for showings.
- Hand towels hanging on the dishwasher or stove? Ick! Put ’em in a drawer.
- If you’re going to display fresh fruit for photos, don’t use red apples. They can look black on some displays. Use green apples or lemons!
- For safety reasons, I would store knives out of sight during showings.
- Get used to the fact that homebuyers are going to open your cabinets. In the kitchen especially, they should be neat and organized. If you have a pantry, straighten it up. Face labels forward. For your own sanity, organization saves so much time. For a prospective buyer, it gives them the peace of mind there’s order in a space that can feel so chaotic.
Just like every other room in your house, buyers will look at your kitchen and imagine themselves cooking and placing their things around. They can’t see their vision if your stuff is filling all the spaces. They also can’t even begin to think about cooking in there if it’s not bright, sparkly and odor free.
Take a look at this New York Times article, 7 Steps to a Clutter-Free Kitchen, for some great ideas and inspiration.
If you’re thinking of selling your home or would like some sound marketing advice, give me a shout! Call/text (405) 585-6580 or email